Monica Brinkman is a contemporary mosaic artist living in Vaudreuil-Dorion,Québec Canada, where she also conducts and manages community artistic projects through cultural mediation.
2018 Mosaic Workshop : Montreal mosaic lab :Erin Pankratz (Canada)
2017 Mosaic workshop hammer and hardie: Mosaikashop in Montreal : Enzo Tinarelli (Italy)
2016 Mosaic workshop: Mosaikashop in Montreal; Luca Barberini (Italy)
2016 Edible sugar mosaics; Mosaikashop in Montreal; Shelley Miller (Montreal)
2015 Stuctural mosaics; Mosaikashop in Montreal ; Marcelo de Melo (Brazil)
2014 Incorporating glass fusion; Mosaikashop in Montreal; Martin Cheek (England)
2012 Micro mosaics tribute to Hundertwasser; Mosaikashop in Montreal, Suzanne Spahi (Montreal)
2011 Portraits in mosaic; Mosaikashop in Montreal; Alexandra Pennycook (Montreal)
2011 Rajasthani tapestry mosaic; Mosaikashop in Montreal; Laurel Skye and Marley Goldmen ( USA)
2009 Reviving classic tile art with millefiori; Mosaikashop in Montreal; Laurel Skye (USA)
2007 Stained glass lamp shade; Capricorn in Pointe-Claire; Elsa (France)
2006 Mosaic; Capricorn in Pointe-Claire; Sylvie Brunet (Montreal)
2006 Basic stained glass; Capricorn in Pointe-Claire; Sylvie Brunet (Montreal)
2017 Ravenna Mosaico Biennale: Italy: Opere del mondo : Mosaic scupture "Chlorophyll" : curators : AIMC
2016 WORLD CITIZEN ARTISTS: One for all competition with the theme of HOPE: Award recipient for visual arts: Online Exhibit; Facebook; YouTube; website :
2018 CAME (Canadian annual mosaic exhibition): The north Piece by Piece : " Broderie Nordique " Montreal: Galerie Erga
Curators : Suzanne Spahi ( Canada-Italy ) Sophie Drouin ( Canada ) Igor Marziali ( Italy)
2017 THE BRAIN PROJECT; Downtown Toronto; "Bloom within"
Curators: Sandra Ainsley (Galerie Sandra Aisley Toronto), Alissa Sexton (Galerie Bau-Xi
Toronto and Vancouver), Sabrina Hahn (Hahn Fine Art, New York)
Installed : Hazelton Hotel Toronto
2016 THE BRAIN PROJECT; Downtown Toronto; " Shatterred "
Curators: Sandra Ainsley, Anda Kubis, Ann Priftis, Clara Halperin
Installed: Summer: First Canadian Place
Fall: Yorkdale shopping mall expansion project
Fall: Paddle8: online auction house
Solo exhibitions : Juried or Curated or By Invitation
2018 Mosaic : La Maison Félix-Leclerc de Vaudreuil
2018 Mosaic : In full bloom : Galerie de la ville : Dollard des Ormeaux Canada : Curator : Claudine Asher
2015 MOSAÏQUES: Salle Hélène-Rouette, L' Île-Bizard , Montreal
2014 MOSAÏQUES ÉCCLECTIQUES ; Mosaikashop; Montreal
Duo exhibitions: Juried or Curated or By Invitation
2016 REPEAT OFFENDERS with artist Tina Struthers ; Galerie de la ville ;DDO :
Curator; Claudine Ascher and co-curator Diane Collet
Group exhibitions: Juried or Curated or By Invitation
2017 Galerie de la ville :Lattices and Interstices : Curator: Claudine Asher
2016 Mosaikashop exhibit;Galerie Erga Montreal:invited by Suzanne Spahi with special guest artist Luca Barberini
2015 TOUR DU CHAPEAU; invited by Autour de Nous;
Musée Régional de Vaudreuil-Soulanges; Vaudreuil-Dorion, Curator: Chantal Seguin
2015 L’ART QUI SÉDUIT; La galerie carte blanche; Montreal; curator Lorraine Camerlain
2014 TERRE-MAIRES ; Musée Régional de Vaudreuil-Soulanges,Vaudreuil-Dorion,
Curator Chantal Séguin
Group exhibitions:
2017 : 14 REGARDS SUR LA MOSAÏQUE: Poèmes de verres : Espace Contemporain; Montreal
2016 : 14 REGARDS SUR LA MOSAÏQUE ; Espace Contemporain; Montreal
2016 ; TRAITDARTISTE; MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges : Vaudreuil-Dorion
2007 /2018;
I have participated in several group shows in various venues in Vaudreuil-Soulanges
2011/2018:Community PROJECT « JE SUIS »:
Recognised by the United Cities and Local Governments, as one of 11 leading cities worldwide for sustainable urban development through culture .Winner of the international award- UCLG-Mexico City-Culture 21 in 2016.
Selected Solo Projects: for JE SUIS created-organised-artistic direction
2012-2017: ARTIST IN RESIDENCE with ‘Les Artistes du Bonheur” a group of 29 adults living
with an intellectual disability or a TED. : working on various artistic projects with the
community to create a positive change
2016 Le souffle de ma communauté : public mural; Vaudreuil-Dorion
2016 Ma petite boîte à lecture urbaine : public installation;Vaudreuil-Dorion
2015 Je regarde avec les yeux du Coeur; public installation;Vaudreuil-Dorion
2015 Ma petite boîte à lecture : public installation ; Vaudreuil-Dorion
2013 Drapeaux de paix : public exhibit : Vaudreuil-Dorion
2012 Mon parc en mosaïque : public installation : Vaudreuil-Dorion
Selected Duo Projects for JE SUIS created-organised-artistic direction
2017 S’Enraciner : avec l’artiste Sonia Haberstitch (Hudson) Installation publique août 2017
2016 Travaillons Ensemble; with artist Tina Struthers (Vaudreuil-Dorion) Public Installation in Vaudreuil-Dorion
2015 Intrigues et mystères à la Maison Trestler; with artist Lucie Bisson
(Vaudreuil-Dorion)Public Installation in Vaudreuil-Dorion
2015 Au cœur de ma communauté; with artist Tina Struthers (Vaudreuil-Dorion)
Public installation in Vaudreuil-Dorion
2015 Tous sous un même soleil : with artist Samiha Imene Fergani ( Montreal)
Public installation in Vaudreuil-Dorion
2014 Si les murs pouvaient parler : with artist Sonia Haberstitch (Hudson)
Public installation in Vaudreuil-Dorion
Selected group projects for JE SUIS created-organised-artistic direction
2017 Le soufflé de ma communauté ; Installation publique de Vaudreuil-Dorion QC
2016 Jardin de lumière: public lantern exhibit; with a group of 12 artists
2012-2018 : Parade "Mozaik" in Vaudreuil-Dorion ,artistic direction and creation
La féerie de Noël: public Christmas tree installation (with 6 to 12 local artists)
2018 Mosaic chicken coop project : École Cité des jeunes : 100 students
2018 Mosaic Mural with upcycled materials: Students in enriched arts : École Secondaire du Chêne Bleu : 30 students
2018 Mosaic Mural with upcycled materials: École Brind'Amour : 350 students
2018 Le circuit des épouvantails: MRC Beauharnois-Salaberry : Ste-Martine
2017 Le circuit des épouvantails: MRC Beauharnois-Salaberry: Ste-Étienne de Beauharnois
2016 Public consultation with Anne Ming Quach: Mosaic project
2016 Art-Affaires: MRC Beauharnois-Salaberry and Jean-Coutu; with artist Guylaine Sauvé; public installation in Beauharnois
2016 Samedis Urbain: Town of Valleyfield; La Factrie
2016 Le circuit des épouvantails: MRC Beauharnois-Salaberry ;St-Urbain-Premier
2015 Le circuit des épouvantails : MRC Beauharnois-Salaberry :St-Louis de Gonzague
2016 “One for all “International competition for World Citizen Artists: First place for visual arts
2016 The Brain Project; Toronto: third place public favorite
2016 Le circuit des épouvantails; MRC Beauharnois-Salaberry : Second place public favorite
2016 Petit soulier de Noel at MUSO ; Valleyfield; First Place public favorite
2015 Le circuit des épouvantails ; MRC Beauharnois-Salaberry; Second place public favorite
2015 Tour du chapeau at MRVS ; Vaudreuil-Dorion; First place public favorite
2011 Hubert Reeves Environmental prize awarded by the city of Vaudreuil-Dorion for my upcycled community mosaic mural projects
2018 :November: La Maison Félix-Leclerc de Vaudreuil
2018 Montreal Museum of Fine Arts: Nuit Blanche : in collaboration with Mosaikashop : Mosaic activity with the public
2016 Guest speaker for Le Carrefour Jeunesse emploie Vocation en art
2016 Guest speaker for the Artists Association of Dollard; with artist Tina Struthers
2016 Guest speaker and workshop; Musée Régional de Vaudreuil-Soulanges
2012 Guest teacher at Mosaikashop in Montreal
2018 Member of the Vaudreuil-Dorion Consultative Urban Planning Committee
2016 Member: Comité Culture 21 : City of Vaudreuil-Dorion
2011/2015: Member: Comité Consultatif de la Culture : city of Vaudreuil-Dorion
2013 Member of the Committee for the revision on the Cultural policy for the city of Vaudreuil-Dorion
2018 Hudson artist association spring expo : co jury with artist Pierrette Labonté
2016 Les Artistes en herbes: Musée Régional de Vaudreuil-Soulanges
With artistes Michel Sauvé, Céline Poirier and Curator Chantal Séguin
2015 Les Artistes en herbes: Musée Régional de Vaudreuil-Soulanges;
With artist Michel Sauvé, Christian Gonzales and Curator Chantal Séguin
2017 AIMC: International Association of Contemporary Mosaicists (Italy)